Trezor* Suite | The official wallet | Hardware Wallet

Trezor Suite is an app that lets you manage your crypto assets on your Trezor hardware wallet. You can download it for desktop or web, connect your device, create multiple …

Trezor Suite: Your Secure Gateway to Cryptocurrency Management

Trezor Suite is the official software companion to Trezor hardware wallets, providing a user-friendly interface for managing your cryptocurrency assets. With Trezor Suite, you can securely store, send, and receive digital currencies while enjoying enhanced privacy and functionality.

Supported Operating Systems

Trezor Suite is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including:

  • Linux

  • macOS (version 10.15 and higher)

  • Windows (version 10 or newer)

The desktop application is recommended for Linux, macOS, and Windows users, as it offers additional security features and functionality compared to the web version.

Key Features of Trezor Suite

  1. Portfolio Management: Trezor Suite allows you to easily monitor your cryptocurrency holdings and transactions in one place.

  2. Coin Support: The application supports a wide range of digital currencies, with new coins regularly added to the platform.

  3. Secure Transactions: When using Trezor Suite with a Trezor hardware wallet, you can securely approve transactions offline, protecting your private keys from potential online threats.

  4. Passphrase-Protected Wallets: Trezor Suite enables you to create and manage passphrase-protected hidden wallets for added security.

  5. Watch-Only Mode: You can enable watch-only mode for specific wallets, allowing you to monitor balances without exposing your private keys.

Trezor Suite Lite: A Mobile Companion

Trezor Suite Lite is a mobile app designed to complement the desktop and web versions of Trezor Suite. Available for both iOS and Android devices, Trezor Suite Lite serves as a portfolio tracker, enabling you to monitor your cryptocurrency holdings on the go.

While Trezor Suite Lite does not allow you to send transactions, it provides a convenient way to generate receiving addresses and stay informed about your portfolio.


Trezor Suite is a powerful and secure platform for managing your cryptocurrency assets. By combining the robust security of Trezor hardware wallets with a user-friendly interface, Trezor Suite empowers users to take control of their digital wealth while enjoying the benefits of decentralization.

what are the latest updates on trezor suite

January 2024 Update (Version 24.1.2)

  • Wipe Code: Users can now set a wipe code via 'Device settings' in Trezor Suite, allowing for a 'self-destruct' PIN that erases all data on the device for enhanced security.

  • Transaction Details: Users can paste transaction details directly into the 'Send' form, eliminating the need for a separate CSV file upload.

  • Bug Fixes: Issues with fiat value display for ETH, SOL, and ADA tokens have been resolved, and a bug preventing the discovery of a second hidden wallet has been fixed.

June 2023 Update (Version 23.6.1)

  • Coinjoin Candidate Transactions: Notifications for coinjoin candidate transactions have been introduced, providing a smoother coinjoin process.

  • Trezor Suite Guide: The guide has been restructured for enhanced navigation, making it easier to find vital information within the application.

  • User Interface: The display of account public keys has been improved, allowing users to view XPUBs from remembered wallets with additional security warnings.

  • Bug Fixes: Labeling on remembered hidden wallets has been enabled, and an issue with auto-update getting stuck at 100% has been resolved.

July 2023 Update (Version 23.7.1)

  • Buying Options: The dashboard now displays buying options more clearly, and new 'buy' buttons have been added to simplify the user experience.

  • Bug Fixes: Issues with account discovery crashing during device selection, coinjoin discovery progress bar moving backwards, and incorrect Ethereum gas fee calculations have been resolved.

These updates demonstrate Trezor's ongoing commitment to enhancing the security, functionality, and user experience of Trezor Suite, ensuring that users can manage their cryptocurrency assets with confidence.

Last updated